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Day 154: August 23, 2021 (0 miles)

Maine Roadhouse, Stratton, ME

***I didn't take any pictures on this day, so these photos are from other days on my hike***

Today was a much-needed and productive 0. It feels like we haven’t been able to rest in a while, which isn’t true because we zeroed in Gorham, but zeros aren’t always necessarily restful. There’s always chores and planning that needs to be done. That’s the beauty of a double 0, one day is for absolutely nothing but nothing, and the other is for preparing to hike again.

This far into the journey (sub 200!!!!) it feels like it will never end, but I know that isn’t true and I’ll want to go back to trail desperately. Having a day to let my body and mind rest is such a treat, it felt so nice to just simply BE (but with all the convenes of the real world, I’m very happy to relax with flushing toilets).

I feel guilty for wanting to be done, but I am so over hiking and being wet all the time. I think we’re all done at this point. I’m trying really hard to be present and enjoy the simple and unique trail moments, like snuggling with Truffles in bed or eating lunch with my friends at a shelter.

Somewhere in Maine 8/17/21

Truffles woke me up to get into my bunk and cuddle this morning before breakfast. Jen, the hostel owner, made an amazing breakfast and we feasted before the productive bug bit me. The hostel has a computer so I worked on my resume and cover letter all morning so that I could submit some applications. I heard back from blue Ridge Hiking Company and have an interview scheduled with THE JPD tomorrow!!!

We all were lazy the rest of the day and laid around on our phones. The Maine Train had a family taco dinner, and Creature, Dumb Horse, and Party Dave showed up! We played Cards Against Humanity before bed. Ready for another 0 tomorrow!

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